Némi ez és némi az

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Friss topikok


Hajlakk - I know where I've been

2008.02.17. 20:10 Babayanga


Nos. Rózsaszin, habcsók, mosolygós, kedves, nevettető, kicsit ragacsos, vattacukros film.
Olyan könnyű csacskaság, ami egy hideg, téli estén egy bögre kakaó mellett fogyasztható.

Van benne egy dal, mi illik a lelkemhez egy kicsit, felmelegit, jobban érzem magam, olyan borzongató, Queen Latifah az igazi Soul Királynő. Ez a dal arról szól, hogy azt kell tennünk, amit szivünk diktál, és lehet az út küzdelmes és nehéz, a végén célhoz érsz és a boldogság, ami ott vár.

Hallgassátok szeretettel:

There's a light in the darkness, though the night is black as my skin
There's a light burning bright, showing me the way but i know where i've been
There's a cry in the distance it's a voice that comes from deep within
There's a cry ssking why, I pray the answer's up ahead 'cause i know where i've been
There's a road we've been travelin' lost so many on the way
But the riches will be plenty worth the price we had to pay

There's a dream in the future there's a struggle we have yet to win
And there's pride in my heart 'cause i know where i'm going
And i know where i've been
There's a road we must travel there's a promise we must make
'Cause the riches will be plenty worth the risk and chances that we take
There's a dream in the future there's a struggle we have yet to win

Use that pride in our hearts to lift us up o tomorrow
'Cause just to sit still would be a sin
I know it, I know it ,I know where i'm going
And lord knows i know... Where i've been
Oh! When we win, I'll give thanks to my god 'cause i know where i've been

Szólj hozzá!

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